Data analytics and business intelligence

Integrate and unify all company data into organised and intelligent visualisations.

A solution that allows businesses to analyse data from different sources in real-time, creating interactive reports to provide actionable insights that drive results.

Reduce the amount of time spent wrangling data for answers, and allow your business the time to discover and unlock value in any data. Unify your data across the full range of sources to get a single view of business in real-time to better engage and retain customers.

Drive performance

Both inside and outside the contact centre


Pre-built integrations offer a shorter time to value, allowing you to maintain data accuracy, consistency and security


Integrate any data source or structure anywhere


Automated data collection, pre-built reports, intuitive ad-hoc reporting, with no data scientist required


Collaborate and share data to drive better decision-making across the business


Share timely and accurate information, and make data-driven decisions without relying on specialised skills

Businesses create a huge amount of data – no matter their size.

Accessing and analysing this data is an ongoing problem for many organisations, which has only been compounded by new hybrid working patterns.

“70% of organisations believe their data is not used to its fullest extent” – IDC – Big Data Survey.

The lack of integrated business intelligence and insights tools in one platform causes problems for many businesses, who then have to make decisions based on opinions instead of the hard data facts.

Making sense of the volume and variety of available data is tricky. The lack of real-time insights creates a lack of business agility. And we know there is a high backlog of reporting requests, especially post pandemic, which creates a significant amount of manual effort to update.

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