Cognitive overload in the modern workplace

Cognitive overload in the modern workplace - Amanda Childs - Group HR Director | Kyocera MCL

Cognitive overload in the modern workplace by Amanda Childs Group HR Director  Kyocera Group UK Like many other HR professionals, I find myself with key challenges that are competing for the skills and attention of myself and my team. The relentless pace of changing technology, human needs and uncertainty at all levels makes the demands […]

What are the benefits of using a managed service provider?

Steve Doust - Group Sales Director - Business Solutions  - Kyocera Group UK | Kyocera MCL

What are the benefits of using a managed service provider? by Steve Doust Group Sales Director – Business Solutions  Kyocera Group UK Operational challenges Companies and organisations face numerous operational and IT challenges, from data security to improving efficiency. To combat and overcome these challenges, many are turning towards using a Managed Service Provider (MSP) […]

What are the benefits of cloud document management?

Simon Godfrey | Kyocera MCL

What are the benefits of cloud document management? by Simon Godfrey Content Services specialist at Kyocera Annodata Are you ready to transform the way you handle documents and unlock new levels of productivity? Kyocera Document Solutions UK (KDUK) has news for businesses looking for a seamless and efficient document management experience. Let’s explore the advantages of […]

Enhancing customer service in a hybrid world

Rod Tonna-Barthet - President and CEO of Kyocera Document Solutions UK | Kyocera MCL

Enhancing customer service in a hybrid world. by Rod Tonna-Barthet President and CEO of Kyocera Document Solutions UK, Kyocera Annodata and Kyocera MCL How a perfect blend of office collaboration combined with the ability to work from home improves customer service. Since the end of the pandemic and the threatened “great resignation” that never really […]

9 Steps to Ensure Success in Cloud Migration

9 Steps to Ensure Success in Cloud Migration | Kyocera MCL

9 Steps to Ensure Success in Cloud Migration As modern companies look towards the cloud as the future of their business infrastructure, cloud migration is one of the biggest prospects and challenges they face. There’s a lot to consider for any business looking to migrate to the cloud. However, there are several steps that you […]

Contract Negotiation – Art or Science?

Contract Negotiation – Art or Science? by Suki Purewal Group Commercial & Operations Director Contract negotiations are an everyday occurrence, but are they an art or is there a science behind successfully completing them? When negotiating a contract, risk averse parties may have difficulty reaching an agreement because they are generally more concerned about potential […]

How to solve common mobile device management challenges

How to solve common mobile device management challenges | Kyocera MCL

How to solve common mobile device management challenges What are common business mobile device management challenges and how does your business solve them. Mobile devices are part of every business workflow. Whether it is simply to take calls on the go or to send and receive important information while away from the desk — and […]

5 reasons why businesses should outsource their cybersecurity.

5 reasons why businesses should outsource their cybersecurity. In this article, we will discuss 5 reasons why businesses should outsource their cybersecurity Maintaining a strong security posture is a significant challenge for most businesses. With complex cyberattacks becoming more common, all businesses are at risk of falling victim. To reduce this risk, businesses typically implement […]

Top 10 Eco-friendly tips

Top 10 Eco Tips | Kyocera MCL

Top 10 Eco-friendly tips. Explore how to reduce your environmental impact with our top eco-tips. Discover the foundations of sustainable working. Our infographic will help you reduce your environmental impact by making eco-friendly swaps in everyday work. Download the infographic CHOOSE GREEN TECH Use the latest technology  with good eco credentials  and settings included. 01 […]

EDR vs MDR vs XDR: What’s right for your business? 

EDR vs MDR vs XDR: What’s right for your business? by Andrew Smith Chief Information & Strategy Officer (CISO) We live in a world where there are a large amount of sophisticated software solutions that aid our protection and security posture. However it is important that the human element is not overlooked, with any tool […]